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Co-Creative Initiatives


Healthy & Well Being

Energy Level




Reiki Quantum

Alignment of life

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that is often described as "universal life energy" or "essential energy for life."


During a treatment that can be carried out from a distance, energized hands are slid over the body at intuitive points allowing energy to flow through our chakras, reverberating negative energies and carrying them with positive energy.

Everything has a solution starting here, life changes in every way, because a physical body aligned is the beginning of an eternal trajectory of success, health, love and peace.


Healing The Self

coach life

The method basically uses a kind of therapy which helps remove all kinds of negative thoughts from your mind. This can include thoughts which can hold you back from your success, slowing or stopping you down completely. 

You then get to the zero stage, the stage which basically is the beginning. The stage where you will believe in anything you want to believe, and you’ll feel renewed with this new kind of energy, the spirit to reach out and touch your dreams with your bare hands. All of this is going to happen, just with the help of this single course.

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Relationships Healer

coach relationship

Reconciliation practice for the cleansing of ‘errors of thought’ Is Important know that conflicts and grudges held in the body eventually cause disease.

I’ve used this process all times with my patients, and in some beautiful, magic and inexplicable way, things shift first inside and so the world around shifts too. Anything that peoples was experiencing as a challenge, intensifies initially, and then seems to melt away and flow easily, in a way that no ones could never have imagined.  It’s a very powerful practice, when used for an necessary period of time.



Alignment of chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel." There are seven main chakras that exist within each living creature, beginning at the "root" (base of the spine) up the spine and ending at the "crown" (top of the head) chakra.

Each chakra appears as a vortex that rotates inward from the front of the body, into the center point of that chakra in the kundalini, and then out the back.

Sometimes these Chakras can become unbalanced, causing physical symptoms of illness in the body.

Emotionally, mentally and spiritually - if only one chakra is unbalanced, there will be discord in your physical reality (even if it is just a stomach ache!). And mostly because of the ignorance of misuse of your vital energies, people are dying and healing is one step away.


Miracle Routine

life couch or business

The miracle routine is a routine of steps, which uses the concept of creating habits.

When you align habits, you simply choose some habits you want to practice, make a sequence of them, and then make the sequence itself a new habit.

The sequence is created with keywords, it is a pile of very simple habits.

The benefit of stacking habits is that you can adopt several good habits at one time because you automate your behavior throughout the sequence, which requires less motivation than practicing various individual habits.

Build momentum quickly. And including are all steps to attract all your dreams and projects using the Law of Attraction.

We will monitor your development and probably in 15 days you will be surprised with much more results in all aspects of your life.



special guide

The purpose of meditation is to take us down below the petals of the lotus flower to the root where we will find bliss. Even when we are in great pain. It is a great salvation, during the course of crises of our lives, to be able to understand that whatever happens here above (head / mind) or below, we will be in bliss. We will remain in bliss all the time.


Meditation can not only assist you in controlling your thoughts and ultimately the world around you, it also allows you to become familiar with your “inner” senses, and this is when things can get interesting!

We are not taught about these senses in our mainstream society, and we rely solely on our external senses to tell us about the world around us. The truth is that we are missing the majority of our reality, and who we truly are, because we are so entangled in what we “see” physically.

In this section, our  hope is to not only to introduce you to these senses, but to awaken you to a world that you have been taught to ignore. We wish to heal not only the physical, but to help guide you to healing all aspects of your experience.​



Multidimensional Therapy

Quantum Therapy comes from a deep look at the internally tied points that make life a maze. In fact, we need very little! But if we do not have that part, the adventure in the labyrinth will not give us hope. This little one is within reach.

When we analyze in depth and through psychological facts that are in our subconscious and are responsible for 80% of our life today, the results are inexplicable, because while everyone looks at the 20% external and do not find the solution, we attack the root of wound and the remedy comes naturally and the pain disappears forever.



staff development

Every organization has its cells and in them are the atoms (employers) that are working for a common goal, organizational growth, but there are factors outside the organizational environment that if placed at the table show the real results of accidents at work, production drop and dissatisfaction for both the parties.


Quantum therapy being worked at the energetic level of energy and aligning every burden that the employee brings to work and that compromises his happiness in any aspect of their lives, a society of energetically aligned people, will be an accelerated production society and continuous, where beauty is found at work and no longer becomes a burden in the personal life of each existing being.



waves of Information

Harmonic resonance is a process that uses information waves that gradually clear limiting beliefs and instill in the individual new information to leverage their growth in all areas. It is a tool that serves evolutionary conscientious/ spiritual purposes.


Harmonic Resonance, among other things, gives your body an opportunity to return to its ideal state of balance, to its healthy natural vibration. However, we recommend that you consult a doctor on all matters concerning your health.

Harmonic Resonance is not:

- medical Act;

- psychotherapy;

- psychoanalysis;

- positive thinking;

- Witchcraft or magic.

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